Die Bären bleiben am Ball
Michael PressmanSchauspieler:
William Devane, Clifton James, Jackie Earle Haley, Jimmy Baio, Christopher Daniel Barnes, Erin Blunt, George Gonzales, Jaime Escobedo, Alfred Lutter III, Brett Marx, David Pollock, Quinn Smith, David Stambaugh, Jeffrey Louis Starr, Dolph Sweet, Alfred LutterNach dem Sieg in der Meisterschaft werden die "Bären" zu einem Spiel im Astrodome in Houston eingeladen, wo sie gegen die dort siegreiche Kindermannschaft, die "Toros" spielen sollen. Hierfür ist sogar Kelly Leak, der Star-Spieler der Mannschaft, dazu bereit, die "Bären", die er bereits verlassen hatte, wieder tatkräftig zu unterstützen.
Sentimental sequel film finds the Bears, somehow, the little league champions of California. As a result, the team is invited to play a between-games exhibition at the Houston Astrodome with the local champs, the Toros. Kelly Leak, the Bears' star player, decides to rejoin the team and go with them to Houston to make amends with his estranged father, Mike
Sentimental sequel film finds the Bears, somehow, the little league champions of California. As a result, the team is invited to play a between-games exhibition at the Houston Astrodome with the local champs, the Toros. Kelly Leak, the Bears' star player, decides to rejoin the team and go with them to Houston to make amends with his estranged father, Mike