Die Furchtlosen
Robert D. WebbSchauspieler:
Robert Ryan, Virginia Mayo, Jeffrey Hunter, Robert Middleton, Walter Brennan, Arthur O'Connell, Whit Bissell, I. Stanford Jolley, Ken Clark, Rodolfo Acosta, George Mathews, Fay Roope, Edward Platt, Don Brodie, Paul E. Burns, Harry CarterEin mutiger Sheriff in Kansas gewinnt das Vertrauen eines tüchtigen jungen Mannes, mit dessen Hilfe er die kleine Stadt vom Unwesen eines hinterhältigen Spielbankbesitzers und seiner Gang befreien kann. Trotz unwahrscheinlicher Handlung ein relativ unterhaltsamer Western.
Robert Ryan plays an aging sheriff responsible for law and order in a frontier cattle town. Virginia Mayo plays his fiancee. As if handling wild cattle drovers isn't enough, a crooked casino operator from Ryan's past comes to town. An early scuffle in the casino leaves Ryan with vision problems that interfere with his duties. Jeffrey Hunter who came to town with a cattle drive encounters Ryan, who killed Hunter's father when Hunter was young. Feelings of animosity soon change as Hunter begins to sense Ryan is telling the truth about his father. What follows is a plot that continues to thicken to the inevitable showdown.
Robert Ryan plays an aging sheriff responsible for law and order in a frontier cattle town. Virginia Mayo plays his fiancee. As if handling wild cattle drovers isn't enough, a crooked casino operator from Ryan's past comes to town. An early scuffle in the casino leaves Ryan with vision problems that interfere with his duties. Jeffrey Hunter who came to town with a cattle drive encounters Ryan, who killed Hunter's father when Hunter was young. Feelings of animosity soon change as Hunter begins to sense Ryan is telling the truth about his father. What follows is a plot that continues to thicken to the inevitable showdown.