Die geheime Tochter
Manuel Martín CuencaSchauspieler:
Javier Gutiérrez, Patricia López Arnaiz, Irene Virgüez, Juan Carlos Villanueva, María Morales, Sofian El Benaissati, Arturo de la Torre del Pino, Atenea Torres HerreraDie 15-jährige Irene sitzt schwanger in einer Jugendstrafanstalt. Ihr Leben gleicht einer Sackgasse, doch Betreuer Javier hat einen Plan, der ihr helfen soll, es wieder in den Griff zu bekommen: Er und seine Frau Adela verstecken die Jugendliche in ihrem abgelegenen Haus in den Bergen, damit sie dort ihre Schwangerschaft in Ruhe austragen kann. Im Gegenzug soll sie das Neugeborene gleich nach der Geburt dem kinderlosen Paar überlassen. Doch je mehr Irene das Baby in sich wachsen spürt, desto größer werden ihre Zweifel an dem Pakt – Zweifel, die Javier und Adela nicht zulassen können.
Dramatischer spanischer Thriller.
Irene is a fifteen-year-old who lives in a center for juvenile offenders. She just got pregnant and is determined to turn her life around with the help of Javier, an educator at the center. Javier offers her to secretly come live with him and his wife Adela in the house they have in a remote and rugged spot in the mountains so she can hide and comfortably carry out her pregnancy. The only condition is that in exchange, she agrees to give them the baby she is carrying in her womb. This feeble pact will be put in jeopardy when Irene starts to feel like the life growing inside her belongs to her.
Irene is a fifteen-year-old who lives in a center for juvenile offenders. She just got pregnant and is determined to turn her life around with the help of Javier, an educator at the center. Javier offers her to secretly come live with him and his wife Adela in the house they have in a remote and rugged spot in the mountains so she can hide and comfortably carry out her pregnancy. The only condition is that in exchange, she agrees to give them the baby she is carrying in her womb. This feeble pact will be put in jeopardy when Irene starts to feel like the life growing inside her belongs to her.