Die Helden aus der Nachbarschaft
Jovan ArsenicSchauspieler:
Eva-Maria Kurz, Hansa Czypionka, Samuel Finzi, Marc Zwinz, Christopher Buchholz, Eva Löbau, Nina Hoger, Josef Mattes, Noemi Besedes, Inka Pabst, Myriam Schröder, Christa Pasemann, Marlon Beatt, Rainer Burckhardt, Simone BurckhardtDie überspannte wie gerissene Moderatorin Erika sucht für ihre quotenschwache Show "Helden aus der Nachbarschaft" händeringend einen neuen Gast. Denn der ursprünglich geplante, Bäckerin Rosine har aus Panik abgesagt und lässt sich vom Psychologen, betreuen, Erikas Mann Ulf. Erika findet Ersatz - tatsächlich in der Nachbarschaft. Feuerwehrmann Attila kann Glas essen. Er wurde gerade von Freundin Sabine verlassen. Die lässt sich mit Ulf ein. Außerdem ist auch der Sohn von Erika und Ulf, der pornosüchtige Niko daran interessiert, mit Sabine Sex zu haben.
Berlin, Prenzlauer Berg. Attila the fireman can eat glass – but this doesn’t help his love life. His girlfriend, Sabine, breaks up with him. She wants more from life. It’s her dream to be a talk show host – and there’s no place for Attila in her career plan. Despite being a talk show host, Erika is unhappy. She can no longer connect with her husband Ulf, who is reliving his youth and making use of his psychological prowess to conquer female hearts. Their pubescent son Niko avoids both parents as he makes his own way through life, propelled by his sex drive. When the next guest on Erika’s show – a TV junkie and shy bakerwoman called Rosine – cancels at short notice, Erika has to find a new candidate. She discovers Attila in the house next door.
Berlin, Prenzlauer Berg. Attila the fireman can eat glass – but this doesn’t help his love life. His girlfriend, Sabine, breaks up with him. She wants more from life. It’s her dream to be a talk show host – and there’s no place for Attila in her career plan. Despite being a talk show host, Erika is unhappy. She can no longer connect with her husband Ulf, who is reliving his youth and making use of his psychological prowess to conquer female hearts. Their pubescent son Niko avoids both parents as he makes his own way through life, propelled by his sex drive. When the next guest on Erika’s show – a TV junkie and shy bakerwoman called Rosine – cancels at short notice, Erika has to find a new candidate. She discovers Attila in the house next door.