Die Känguru-Verschwörung
Alexander Berner, Marc-Uwe KlingSchauspieler:
Marc-Uwe Kling, Dimitrij Schaad, Rosalie Thomass, Petra Kleinert, Tim Seyfi, Adnan Maral, Carmen-Maja Antoni, Michael Ostrowski, Benno Fürmann, Anne-Marie Waldeck, Volker Michalowski, Melanie Straub, Daniel Zillmann, Uwe Preuss, Nils Hohenhövel, Axel WernerMarc-Uwe und das Känguru gehen eine gewagte Wette ein: Sie werden ihre Wohnung verlieren, wenn sie es nicht schaffen, Marias Mutter zu retten. Die ist im Internet falsch abgebogen und leugnet nun den Klimawandel. Auf ihrem frisch-frech-völlig-absurden Roadtrip zur Conspiracy Convention in Bielefeld geraten Kleinkünstler und Beuteltier ins Visier von Verschwörungs-Guru Adam Krieger und seinen fanatischen Anhängern.Blöderweise können die beiden es einfach nicht lassen, zur falschen Zeit das Richtige zu sagen. Und plötzlich geht es nicht mehr nur um ihre Wohnung - sondern um Leben und Tod!Werden sie es trotzdem schaffen? Sehr wahrscheinlich. Ist ja 'ne Komödie.
Fortsetzung der aberwitzigen Alltagsgeschichten des Kleinkünstlers Marc-Uwe Kling und dem kommunistischen Känguru.
The cabaret artist Marc-Uwe and the kangaroo are faced with a problem: Lisbeth, the mother of Maria has taken a wrong turn somewhere and is now denying the climate crisis on the Internet. How can she be brought to her senses? The two make a bet with each other: If they don't manage to bring Maria's mother to her senses, they will lose their apartment. So Marc-Uwe and the marsupial embark on a trip to the Conspiracy Convention in Bielefeld and shortly thereafter become part of a tangible conspiracy led by conspiracy guru Adam Krieger and his followers. As the two flatmates talk their heads off, it's no longer just about their apartment for Marc-Uwe and the kangaroo, it's more than that: it's a matter of life and death! Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
The cabaret artist Marc-Uwe and the kangaroo are faced with a problem: Lisbeth, the mother of Maria has taken a wrong turn somewhere and is now denying the climate crisis on the Internet. How can she be brought to her senses? The two make a bet with each other: If they don't manage to bring Maria's mother to her senses, they will lose their apartment. So Marc-Uwe and the marsupial embark on a trip to the Conspiracy Convention in Bielefeld and shortly thereafter become part of a tangible conspiracy led by conspiracy guru Adam Krieger and his followers. As the two flatmates talk their heads off, it's no longer just about their apartment for Marc-Uwe and the kangaroo, it's more than that: it's a matter of life and death! Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)