Die kleinen Superstrolche retten den Tag
Alex ZammSchauspieler:
Drew Justice, Rio Mangini, Jenna Ortega, Eden Wood, Jet Jurgensmeyer, Grant Palmer II, Camden Gray, Isaiah Fredericks, Connor Berry, Chase Vacnin, Zaria Zakiya, Kelly Anne Sweeney, Weston McClelland, Brian Stepanek, Valerie Azlynn, Steve MonroeSpanky, Alfalfa, Darla und ihre Freunde freuen sich auf die wohlverdienten Sommerferien, als sie eine Hiobsbotschaft erhalten: Ein böser Banker hat es auf ihre Lieblingsbäckerei abgesehen. Um der Besitzerin zu helfen und die Bäckerei zu retten, müssen sie innerhalb von zwei Wochen 10.000 Dollar auftreiben. An Ideen mangelt es ihnen nicht, allein bei der Ausführung ergeben sich diverse Schwierigkeiten
Überflüssige Fortsetzung vom Remake des Serienklassikers aus der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts.
The Little Rascals are back in an all-new movie! Join the fun with Spanky, Alfalfa, Darla, Buckwheat, Petey the dog and the whole gang as they are up to their usual mischief! The Rascals try anything to raise the money needed to save their grandma's (Doris Roberts) bakery. The only trouble is - they can't seem to do anything right! From botched pet washes to terrible taxi service, they just can't raise a penny. Their only hope is to win prize money from the local talent show - but have you ever heard Alfalfa sing?
The Little Rascals are back in an all-new movie! Join the fun with Spanky, Alfalfa, Darla, Buckwheat, Petey the dog and the whole gang as they are up to their usual mischief! The Rascals try anything to raise the money needed to save their grandma's (Doris Roberts) bakery. The only trouble is - they can't seem to do anything right! From botched pet washes to terrible taxi service, they just can't raise a penny. Their only hope is to win prize money from the local talent show - but have you ever heard Alfalfa sing?