Die Party Animals sind zurück
William HeinsSchauspieler:
Paris Hilton, Paula Garcés, Sarah Carter, Simon Rex, Geoffrey Arend, Alexis Thorpe, Bianca Lawson, Kerri Kenney-Silver, Diva Zappa, Greg Cipes, Randy Spelling, Holly Valance, Alison MacInnis, Sofía Vergara, Carmen Electra, Lin ShayeVictoria English, affektierte Upper-Class-Bitch vom Scheitel bis zum Stilettoabsatz, träumt davon, mit ihrer komplett aus blondierten Tussis rekrutierten Studentinnenenverbindung das Cover des FHM- Magazins zu zieren. Weil aber eine Bedingung dafür Vielfalt ist, müssen jetzt - zumindest kurzfristig - solche Girls aufgenommen werden, die es sonst nie geschafft hätten. Wie die dicke Maxine, die schwarze Monique, die geschiedene Hausfrau Klathy oder die unangepasste Gloria, die Victoria den Typ ausspannen wird.
At popular South Beach University, filthy rich super-snob Victoria English is the absolute queen of leading Greek student club, Sigma Sigma. In order to achieve her crowning ambition, winning FHM Magazine's annual best sorority, she must recruit atypical 'Sigmies' to fulfill the diversity criteria. Ambitious sycophant pledge Kristen Haas helps her attract 'losers' (too poor, ugly, unfashionable), who are cruelly put through excruciating hazing, without intent to actually enroll them. Gloria, the brightest and most assertive pledge, wins the heart of Derek 'baby Dick', Victoria's ideal, yet constantly abused boyfriend, whose bitch-addiction is cured by this alternative lover. Together they lead the revolt of the not-even-nerds.
At popular South Beach University, filthy rich super-snob Victoria English is the absolute queen of leading Greek student club, Sigma Sigma. In order to achieve her crowning ambition, winning FHM Magazine's annual best sorority, she must recruit atypical 'Sigmies' to fulfill the diversity criteria. Ambitious sycophant pledge Kristen Haas helps her attract 'losers' (too poor, ugly, unfashionable), who are cruelly put through excruciating hazing, without intent to actually enroll them. Gloria, the brightest and most assertive pledge, wins the heart of Derek 'baby Dick', Victoria's ideal, yet constantly abused boyfriend, whose bitch-addiction is cured by this alternative lover. Together they lead the revolt of the not-even-nerds.