Die Patin - Kein Weg zurück
Miguel AlexandreSchauspieler:
Veronica Ferres, Nele Trebs, Axel Prahl, Michael Degen, Fritz Karl, Andreas Pietschmann, Rolf Kanies, Luka Knežević, Peter Davor, Jeroen Willems, Luka David Knezevic, Delphine Chanéac, Torben Liebrecht, Mikael Persbrandt"Die Patin" erzählt die dramatische Geschichte einer Frau und ihrer Familie, deren Existenz von einem Tag auf den anderen in einen gefährlichen Strudel gerät und dabei ihr bisheriges Leben komplett auf den Kopf stellt. Nichts ist mehr wie es war, bzw. zu sein schien. Dabei gerät Katharina Almeda in eine Welt der illegalen Geschäfte, internationaler Kriminalität und skrupelloser Strippenzieher, in der sie niemand mehr trauen kann: Als ihr Mann eines Tages von der Polizei verhaftet wird, muss Katharina seine Geschäfte weiter führen. Doch welche Art Geschäfte waren das? Wirklich organisiertes Verbrechen und Drogenhandel, wie sich bald herauskristallisiert? Hatte er tatsächlich Kontakte zur Mafia in Italien? Oder war sein Doppelleben ebenfalls nur fingiert und er agierte als Undercover Cop im Namen der Polizei? Katharina weiß nicht, was sie glauben soll, sie weiß nur, dass sie für ihre Familie kämpfen muss! Internationale Produktion mit Schauplätzen in Genf, Moskau und Paris mit einer Veronica Ferres in Höchstform. Der RTL-Top-Movie-Dreiteiler jetzt auf DVD.
Catherine Almeda is a housewife and mother of two children. Her husband owns an export company and what Catherine does not know, involved in various illegal transactions. With his accomplice and lover, Marie, who he claims as his wife, he traveled through Europe and is expanding its network illegal. But now he is cooperating with the BND to get out and is held in a hidden place. His wife Catherine comes into the focus of investigations by the BKA and the children are threatened by criminals. Catherine is forced to smuggle five million euros from Moscow to Geneva, and must quickly raise half a tonne of heroin. Meanwhile, Catherine Bandelt nor with the Russians to Sergei, but they can fall back on before she settles with her husband, the children and their widowed father in Argentina.
Catherine Almeda is a housewife and mother of two children. Her husband owns an export company and what Catherine does not know, involved in various illegal transactions. With his accomplice and lover, Marie, who he claims as his wife, he traveled through Europe and is expanding its network illegal. But now he is cooperating with the BND to get out and is held in a hidden place. His wife Catherine comes into the focus of investigations by the BKA and the children are threatened by criminals. Catherine is forced to smuggle five million euros from Moscow to Geneva, and must quickly raise half a tonne of heroin. Meanwhile, Catherine Bandelt nor with the Russians to Sergei, but they can fall back on before she settles with her husband, the children and their widowed father in Argentina.