Die Rächer hetzen die Meute
Jamshid SheibaniSchauspieler:
Rand Martin, Fattaneh, Mansour Sepehrnia, Mohammad Reza Rasouli, Russ McCubbin, Wayde PrestonDrogenkurier Curtis will aus dem Geschäft des Drogenbarons MacIntosh aussteigen, wird bei der Flucht aber angeschossen, als Ersatz wird George verpflichtet. Als bei der nächsten Lieferung was schiefläuft, wird George erschossen. Sein Bruder Steve und Curtis machen sich auf, um dem skrupellosen Drogenboss endgültig das Handwerk zu legen...
Rand Martin stars in this tense actioner as a drug runner who decides to turn the tables on his longtime employer -- a powerful druglord and gangster -- by paying him back in piles and piles of revenge. As a means to an end, the ex-drug runner joins forces with a concerned citizen. Together, they dig in deep and attempt to bring the unscrupulous kingpin's empire to its knees.
Rand Martin stars in this tense actioner as a drug runner who decides to turn the tables on his longtime employer -- a powerful druglord and gangster -- by paying him back in piles and piles of revenge. As a means to an end, the ex-drug runner joins forces with a concerned citizen. Together, they dig in deep and attempt to bring the unscrupulous kingpin's empire to its knees.