Die Salsaprinzessin
Dror ZahaviSchauspieler:
Bojana Golenac, Pasquale Aleardi, Maverick Quek, Edda Leesch, Sina Tkotsch, Georg Tryphon, Ellen Schieß, Eva Mannschott, Sabine Orléans, Hannelore Minkus, Diana Spandlowski, Christopher Hemmans, Sylvia Moss, Jens Winter, Gabriela FancovicovaDurch einen Zufall lernen sich die Krankenschwester Christel und der Latino-Tänzer Rubén kennen. Während sie sich gleich in ihn verliebt hat, will er von ihr gar nichts wissen. Daher setzt sie alle Hebel in Bewegung um ihn doch noch für sich zu gewinnen.
A lost sports bag brings chubby nurse Christel and racy Latin dancer Rubén together. But while Christel immediately falls in love with Rubén, the professional dancer doesn't give Christel a second glance. From then on, Christel, who is completely inexperienced as a dancer, goes to great lengths to attract Rubén's attention, despite her many contradictions.
A lost sports bag brings chubby nurse Christel and racy Latin dancer Rubén together. But while Christel immediately falls in love with Rubén, the professional dancer doesn't give Christel a second glance. From then on, Christel, who is completely inexperienced as a dancer, goes to great lengths to attract Rubén's attention, despite her many contradictions.