Die scharlachrote Blume
Harold YoungSchauspieler:
Raymond Massey, Edmund Breon, Melville Cooper, Nigel Bruce, Leslie Howard, Merle Oberon, Bramwell Fletcher, Anthony Bushell, Joan Gardner, Walter Rilla, Mabel Terry-Lewis, O.B. Clarence, Ernest Milton, Gibb McLaughlin, Morland GrahamEin geheimnisvoller Abenteurer versetzt die französische Revolutionsregierung in hilflose Wut, da er laufend prominente Adelige vor dem Schafott rettet. Abenteuerkomödie, die sich mit ihrem ironischen Tonfall und der außergewöhnlichen Darstellungskunst Leslie Howards unverminderten Reiz bewahrt hat…
London fop Percy Blakeney is also secretly the Scarlet Pimpernel who, in a variety of disguises, makes repeated daring trips to France to save aristocrats from Madame Guillotine. His unknowing wife is also French, and she finds that her brother has been arrested by the Republic to try and get her to find out who "that damned elusive Pimpernel" really is.
London fop Percy Blakeney is also secretly the Scarlet Pimpernel who, in a variety of disguises, makes repeated daring trips to France to save aristocrats from Madame Guillotine. His unknowing wife is also French, and she finds that her brother has been arrested by the Republic to try and get her to find out who "that damned elusive Pimpernel" really is.