Die Schule der Shaolin
Chen Kuan TaiSchauspieler:
Chen Kuan Tai, Chi Kuan-Chun, Chin Kang, Wilson Tong, 梁家仁, Shih Chung-Tien, Wu Ma, Chia-Lin Sun, Mu-Chuan ChenChina zur Zeit des Kaisers Ming Ti. Rebell Mi Lai Khan führt aufständische Bauern gegen Provinzpotentat Ching. Der schlägt zurück und lässt Khans Sippe ermorden. Nur der älteste Sohn kann fliehen. Versteckt im Shaolin-Kloster, studiert er die Kunst des Kung-Fu. Nachdem er sich den Ehrennamen “Iron Monkey” (US-Titel) erkämpft hat, sucht er Rache…
Iron is the son of a rebel leader, but prefers to spend his days gambling and getting into fights. When his father's group is arrested and executed, Iron is forced to flee and hide in the woods as a beggar and thief. After being taken in by a Shaolin monastery and trained in the art of Monkey-Style Kung Fu, Iron vows to hunt down his father's killer and avenge his death. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher
Iron is the son of a rebel leader, but prefers to spend his days gambling and getting into fights. When his father's group is arrested and executed, Iron is forced to flee and hide in the woods as a beggar and thief. After being taken in by a Shaolin monastery and trained in the art of Monkey-Style Kung Fu, Iron vows to hunt down his father's killer and avenge his death. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher