Die verborgene Festung
Akira KurosawaSchauspieler:
Toshirō Mifune, Minoru Chiaki, Kamatari Fujiwara, Misa Uehara, Susumu Fujita, Takashi Shimura, Eiko Miyoshi, Toshiko Higuchi, Yû Fujiki, Yoshio Tsuchiya, Kokuten Kōdō, Takeshi Katô, Kôji Mitsui, Toranosuke Ogawa, Kichijirô Ueda, Nakajirô TomitaDie beiden geldgierigen japanischen Bauern Tahei und Matakishi versuchen vergeblich, aus kriegerischen Unruhen Kapital zu schlagen. Da treffen sie auf General Rokurota Makabe, den sie in der Hoffnung auf eine angemessene Belohnung dabei unterstützen, eine Ladung Gold durch Feindesland zu schmuggeln. Doch Tahei und Matakashi ahnen nicht, dass das angeblich stumme Mädchen, das Makabe begleitet, in Wirklichkeit die flüchtende Prinzessin Yukihime ist.
Japanese peasants Matashichi and Tahei try and fail to make a profit from a tribal war. They find a man and woman whom they believe are simple tribe members hiding in a fortress. Although the peasants don't know that Rokurota is a general and Yuki is a princess, the peasants agree to accompany the pair to safety in return for gold. Along the way, the general must prove his expertise in battle while also hiding his identity.
Japanese peasants Matashichi and Tahei try and fail to make a profit from a tribal war. They find a man and woman whom they believe are simple tribe members hiding in a fortress. Although the peasants don't know that Rokurota is a general and Yuki is a princess, the peasants agree to accompany the pair to safety in return for gold. Along the way, the general must prove his expertise in battle while also hiding his identity.