Die Verfluchten
Roger CormanSchauspieler:
Vincent Price, Mark Damon, Myrna Fahey, Harry Ellerbe, David Andar, Bill BorzagePhilip Winthrop reist zum düsteren Landsitz der Familie Usher, um von dort seine Verlobte Madeline mit sich zu nehmen. Er ist schockiert über die schreckliche Umgebung, in der Madeline lebt. Das verfallene und unheimliche Herrschaftshaus befindet sich inmitten von toten Wäldern und Sümpfen. Madelines debiler Bruder Roderick untersagt dann auch Philip die Mitnahme seiner Schwester, denn angeblich laste auf der Familie Usher ein Fluch. Kurz darauf ist Madeline tot, und eine Reihe fürchterlicher Ereignisse nimmt ihren Lauf.
After a long journey, Philip arrives at the Usher mansion seeking his loved one, Madeline. Upon arriving, however, he discovers that Madeline and her brother Roderick Usher have been afflicted with a mysterious malady: Roderick's senses have become painfully acute, while Madeline has become catatonic. That evening, Roderick tells his guest of an old Usher family curse: any time there has been more than one Usher child, all of the siblings have gone insane and died horrible deaths. As the days wear on, the effects of the curse reach their terrifying climax.
After a long journey, Philip arrives at the Usher mansion seeking his loved one, Madeline. Upon arriving, however, he discovers that Madeline and her brother Roderick Usher have been afflicted with a mysterious malady: Roderick's senses have become painfully acute, while Madeline has become catatonic. That evening, Roderick tells his guest of an old Usher family curse: any time there has been more than one Usher child, all of the siblings have gone insane and died horrible deaths. As the days wear on, the effects of the curse reach their terrifying climax.