Die Werkstürmer
Andreas SchmiedSchauspieler:
Michael Ostrowski, Hilde Dalik, Oliver Rosskopf, Karl Fischer, Manuel Rubey, Simon Hatzl, Karin Kienzer, Susi Stach, Julia JelinekPatrick Angerer (MICHAEL OSTROWSKI) lässt es meistens locker angehen. Von den Protesten, die seine Arbeitskollegen gegen die rigorosen Lohnvorgaben der neuen Geschäftsführung des Walzwerkes Falkendorf führen, zeigt er sich daher eher mäßig beeindruckt.Doch als Babs Brossmann (HILDE DALIK), seine Ex - und immer noch große Liebe - als Gewerkschaftsanwältin nach Falkendorf kommt, wird es auch plötzlich für Patrick interessant: Sie hat nämlich ihren Neuen im Schlepptau und Patrick hat alle Hände voll zu tun, um Babs zu beweisen, dass sein Leben nicht nur aus Fußball und Wirtshaussitzen besteht.
Most of the time, Patrick Angerer enjoys a pretty laid back view of life. So he's not especially impressed by the protest action his workmates are taking against the strict wage targets set by the new management of Falkendorf steel plant. But things suddenly begin to get interesting for Patrick when his ex, Barbara Brossman, still the great love of his life, is sent to Falkendorf as the union's lawyer: as she's brought along her new partner, Patrick has his work cut out trying to convince Babs that his life doesn't entirely consist of football and trips down the pub.
Most of the time, Patrick Angerer enjoys a pretty laid back view of life. So he's not especially impressed by the protest action his workmates are taking against the strict wage targets set by the new management of Falkendorf steel plant. But things suddenly begin to get interesting for Patrick when his ex, Barbara Brossman, still the great love of his life, is sent to Falkendorf as the union's lawyer: as she's brought along her new partner, Patrick has his work cut out trying to convince Babs that his life doesn't entirely consist of football and trips down the pub.