Django tötet Leise
Massimo PupilloSchauspieler:
George Eastman, Luciano Rossi, Liana Orfei, Mimmo Maggio, Domenico Maggio, Peter Hellman, Paul Marou, Spartaco Conversi, Antonio Tomahawk, Federico BoidoEin Siedlertreck wird von einer Gruppe Mexikaner überfallen. Der zufällig dazukommende Cowboy Django kann Linda retten, deren Mann zuvor getötet worden war. Die beiden gelangen nach Santa Ana. Django ist hier auf der Suche nach dem Banditen El Santo, doch auch das Hauptquartier von Johnson und seinen Leuten, die Lindas Mann getötet haben, liegt hier. Der Kampf zwischen den Gesetzlosen und Django scheint ungleich, doch Django gelingt es, einen nach dem anderen unschädlich zu machen ...
Django arrives in the town of Santa Anna at the behest of a man named Sanders who'd been trying to buy safe passage for his cargo from a Mexican bandit named El Santo. Django finds that Sanders has been killed and that his rival, a man named Thompson, is now trying to deal with El Santo. Django, after a brief involvement with a beautiful young widow named Linda -- who has information on a lost gold mine -- becomes entangled in this situation by agreeing to escort a shipment through El Santo's territory.
Django arrives in the town of Santa Anna at the behest of a man named Sanders who'd been trying to buy safe passage for his cargo from a Mexican bandit named El Santo. Django finds that Sanders has been killed and that his rival, a man named Thompson, is now trying to deal with El Santo. Django, after a brief involvement with a beautiful young widow named Linda -- who has information on a lost gold mine -- becomes entangled in this situation by agreeing to escort a shipment through El Santo's territory.