Dorian - Pakt mit dem Teufel
Allan A. GoldsteinSchauspieler:
Malcolm McDowell, Ethan Erickson, Victoria Sanchez, Ron Lea, Jennifer Nitsch, Karen Cliche, Amy Sloan, Christoph WaltzIn den frühen 80er Jahren entdeckt der geheimnisumwitterte Lebemann Henry Wood den ungewöhnlich gutaussehenden Louis und macht ihn mit seinen Freunden aus der Modeszene bekannt. Binnen kurzer Zeit und von Wood gefördert steigt Louis unter dem Künstlernamen Dorian zum international gefeierten Top-Model auf, doch tut das Leben in Saus, Braus, Sex und Drogen dem labilen Charakter gar nicht gut. Was kaum einer ahnt: Ein geheimnisvoller Pakt erhält dem Star ewige Jugend.
Hübsche Locations, stilvolle Übergänge und ein hochmotiviert aufspielender Malcolm McDowell stehen auf der haben-Seite dieser vor Modeweltkulissen angesiedelten, modernen Interpretation des Oscar-Wilde-Klassikers "Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray" durch TV-Routinier Allan A. Goldstein.
While temporarily working in a photographic studio with the famous photographer Bae, the simple and handsome worker Louis meets her manager Henry, who is impressed with his beauty. He invites Louis for taking some pictures, gives the artistic name of Dorian to him as a homage to "Dorian Gray" and a framed picture of him. Louis wishes to have the same fate of Dorian Gray, and from this moment on, he becomes very successful in the career of model. As years go by, he notes that only his picture ages, and he has the same face of years ago.
While temporarily working in a photographic studio with the famous photographer Bae, the simple and handsome worker Louis meets her manager Henry, who is impressed with his beauty. He invites Louis for taking some pictures, gives the artistic name of Dorian to him as a homage to "Dorian Gray" and a framed picture of him. Louis wishes to have the same fate of Dorian Gray, and from this moment on, he becomes very successful in the career of model. As years go by, he notes that only his picture ages, and he has the same face of years ago.