Druids - Der letzte Kampf gegen Rom
Jacques DorfmannSchauspieler:
Christopher Lambert, Klaus Maria Brandauer, Max von Sydow, Denis Charvet, Jean-Pierre Bergeron, Bernard-Pierre Donnadieu, Maria Kavardjikova, Yannis Baraban, Vincent Moscato, Jean-Pierre Rives, Inés Sastre, Atanass Atanassov, Velimir VelevDer junge Gallier Vercingétorix (Christopher Lambert) muss 60 v.Chr. hilflos erleben, wie sein Vater einer Intrige der römischen Besatzungsmacht zum Opfer fällt. Seitdem lebt er nur noch für ein Ziel: Kampf gegen Rom. Ein weiser Druide (Max von Sydow) weiht ihn dazu in die Geheimnisse der Kampfkunst ein. Schon bald gelingt es Vercingétorix mit der Unterstützung der Druiden, sein Volk zu vereinen und einen Aufstand gegen Rom zu entfachen. Doch der Gegner scheint übermächtig: Julius Cäsar (Klaus Maria Brandauer), der unbesiegte Feldherr des römischen Imperiums. In einer finalen Schlacht entscheidet sich nicht nur Vercingétorix Schicksal, sondern das seines ganzen Volkes.
In the year 60 B.C. a group of Druids, including the arch-druid Guttuart (Max von Sydow), witness the passing of a comet and interpret it as the sign of the coming of a king for their country Gaul, which has not had a king for a long time. Guttuart goes to Gergovia, the capital of the Arvenes tribe, to attend a meeting of Gallic tribal chieftains. The young boy Vercingetorix, along with his friend the young girl Eponia, sneak into a large cavern where Celtill, Vercingetorix's father and chieftain of the Arvenes, hosts the meeting of chieftains with the intention of proclaiming himself king of all Gauls. When Celtill shows off the crown once worn by the old kings of Gaul, an arrow from two Roman spies (dressed as Gauls) hits Celtill in the back.
In the year 60 B.C. a group of Druids, including the arch-druid Guttuart (Max von Sydow), witness the passing of a comet and interpret it as the sign of the coming of a king for their country Gaul, which has not had a king for a long time. Guttuart goes to Gergovia, the capital of the Arvenes tribe, to attend a meeting of Gallic tribal chieftains. The young boy Vercingetorix, along with his friend the young girl Eponia, sneak into a large cavern where Celtill, Vercingetorix's father and chieftain of the Arvenes, hosts the meeting of chieftains with the intention of proclaiming himself king of all Gauls. When Celtill shows off the crown once worn by the old kings of Gaul, an arrow from two Roman spies (dressed as Gauls) hits Celtill in the back.