Dust of Time
Theodoros AngelopoulosSchauspieler:
Willem Dafoe, Bruno Ganz, Michel Piccoli, Irène Jacob, Christiane Paul, Kostas Apostolidis, Tiziana Pfiffner, Alexandros Mylonas, Norman Mozzato, Reni Pittaki, Alessia Franchini, Valentina Carnelutti, Chantel Brathwaite, Herbert Meurer, Sviatoslav Yshakov, Vladimir BogenkoA. (Willem Dafoe) ist ein Regisseur griechischer Abstammung und kehrt nach Rom zurück, um sein Werk fortzusetzen: Die Verfilmung der eigenen Familiengeschichte, besonders der seiner Eltern Spyros (Michel Piccoli) und Eleni (Irène Jacob). Der Zweite Weltkrieg trennte die Liebenden, Spyros emigrierte in die USA, Eleni floh vor dem griechischen Bürgerkrieg in die Sowjetunion. Jahrzehnte lang versuchte Spyros, Kontakt zu seiner innig Geliebten herzustellen.
Sechs Jahre nach "Die Erde weint" setzt der griechische Meisterregisseur Theodoros Angelopoulos seine episch angelegte Trilogie über das Schicksal seiner Heimat im 20. Jahrhundert fort. Seine komplexe Handlung umfasst Jahrzehnte und Kontinente, überwindet mühelos Zeit und Raum.
A, an American film director of Greek ancestry, is making a film that tells his story and the story of his parents. It is a tale that unfolds in Italy, Germany, Russia, Kazakhstan, Canada and the USA. The main character is Eleni, who is claimed and claims the absoluteness of love. At the same time the film is a long journey into the vast history and the events of the last fifty years that left their mark on the 20th century. The characters in the film move as though in a dream. The dust of time confuses memories. A searches for them and experiences them in the present.
A, an American film director of Greek ancestry, is making a film that tells his story and the story of his parents. It is a tale that unfolds in Italy, Germany, Russia, Kazakhstan, Canada and the USA. The main character is Eleni, who is claimed and claims the absoluteness of love. At the same time the film is a long journey into the vast history and the events of the last fifty years that left their mark on the 20th century. The characters in the film move as though in a dream. The dust of time confuses memories. A searches for them and experiences them in the present.