IMDB Rating
Voting: 5.8 /10 (40)
Trailer: YouTube

Early Birds



Michael Steiner


Nilam Farooq, Silvana Synovia, Anatole Taubman, Edon Rizvanolli, Dimitri Stapfer, Burak Yiğit
Eine Frau flieht nach einem missglückten Drogendeal mit einer ungleichen Gefährtin aus der Stadt, um Cops, Dealern und dem Alltag zu entkommen.

The neo-noir thriller EARLY BIRDS tells the story of the two wildly different women Annika and Caro, who become embroiled in a web of unpredictable events following a night out on the town. As the two flee together from the police, drug dealers and themselves, they're confronted by the collision of two worlds: their personal freedom and unrelenting violence.
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    Mirror 1 | 23.06.2024 - Early.Birds.2024.GERMAN.DL.1080p.WEB.H264-MGE

    Summary & Details

    Eine Frau flieht nach einem missglückten Drogendeal mit einer ungleichen Gefährtin aus der Stadt, um Cops, Dealern und dem Alltag zu entkommen.

    The neo-noir thriller EARLY BIRDS tells the story of the two wildly different women Annika and Caro, who become embroiled in a web of unpredictable events following a night out on the town. As the two flee together from the police, drug dealers and themselves, they're confronted by the collision of two worlds: their personal freedom and unrelenting violence.


    ~97 Min.

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    Norbert Kneissl, Thomas Ritter, Mathieu Seiler


    IMDb-Seite, Filmstarts