IMDB Rating
Voting: 3.4 /10 (887)
Trailer: YouTube

Ein Cousin zum Knutschen



Neal Israel


Bryan Cranston, Judge Reinhold, Penelope Ann Miller, Meghan Ory, Calum Worthy, Britt Irvin, Reece Thompson, David Paetkau, Garry Chalk, Noel Fisher, Paul McGillion, Dagmar Midcap, Hallie Todd, Antony Holland, Rheta Hutton, David King
Eigentlich wollte der angesehene Anästhesist Mitch Snider das Thanksgiving-Fest daheim mit seiner Familie verbringen. Doch dann erhält er einen Brief seines Schwagers Woodrow, der ihn zu einem großen Familienfest bei sich in Idaho einlädt. Mitch ist begeistert, obwohl er sich kaum an Woodrow erinnern kann. Kaum angekommen, erwartet die Sniders ein echter Schock: Hippie Woodrow und sein wilder Clan sind genau das Gegenteil der luxusverwöhnten Familie.

Against the ardent wishes of his wife, eleven-year-old son, and sixteen-year-old daughter, ALBERT SNIDER (Judge Reinhold) is determined to have a festive family holiday. Albert doesn't seem to realize that his kids would rather stick needles in their eyes then spend time with their stuffy dad, and his wife is equally fed up by their dull life. When he receives an invitation from his long lost cousin Woodrow (Bryan Cranston), he decides to take his family out to the country for a down-home family holiday. However, Cousin Woodrow and his family turn out to be nuttier than a holiday fruitcake! What follows is a full course meal of nonstop laughs and holiday hilarity when the neurotic 'burbs clash with the hippy hicks from hell in National Lampoon's most outrageous family misadventure yet!
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    Mirror 1 | 29.12.2019 - Ein.Cousin.zum.Knutschen.2003.German.1080p.HDTV.x264-NORETAiL

    Summary & Details

    Eigentlich wollte der angesehene Anästhesist Mitch Snider das Thanksgiving-Fest daheim mit seiner Familie verbringen. Doch dann erhält er einen Brief seines Schwagers Woodrow, der ihn zu einem großen Familienfest bei sich in Idaho einlädt. Mitch ist begeistert, obwohl er sich kaum an Woodrow erinnern kann. Kaum angekommen, erwartet die Sniders ein echter Schock: Hippie Woodrow und sein wilder Clan sind genau das Gegenteil der luxusverwöhnten Familie.

    Against the ardent wishes of his wife, eleven-year-old son, and sixteen-year-old daughter, ALBERT SNIDER (Judge Reinhold) is determined to have a festive family holiday. Albert doesn't seem to realize that his kids would rather stick needles in their eyes then spend time with their stuffy dad, and his wife is equally fed up by their dull life. When he receives an invitation from his long lost cousin Woodrow (Bryan Cranston), he decides to take his family out to the country for a down-home family holiday. However, Cousin Woodrow and his family turn out to be nuttier than a holiday fruitcake! What follows is a full course meal of nonstop laughs and holiday hilarity when the neurotic 'burbs clash with the hippy hicks from hell in National Lampoon's most outrageous family misadventure yet!

    Also Known As:

    Holiday Reunion


    ~91 Min.

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    Marc Warren, Dennis Rinsler


    IMDb-Seite, Filmstarts