Ein Königreich vor unserer Zeit - Der Zauberring
Héctor OliveraSchauspieler:
Bo Svenson, Thom Christopher, Marcos Woinsky, Vidal Peterson, Barbara Stock, Maria Socas, Dolores Michaels, Edgardo Moreira, Augusto Larreta, Michael Fontaine, Marina Magali, Norton Freeman, Arch Gallo, Mark Peters, Rick GalloArgentinischer Fantasyfilm aus dem Jahre 1985. Das Königreich wird von der Shurka erobert und Simon, der Königssohn, muss fliehen, um sich in Ruhe auf den Kampf um die Macht im Königreich vorzubereiten.
Simon, son of the wizard, must flee when the empire is overthrown by the evil Shurka. Schooled in the arts of magic, he must find the Ring of Magic and the Sword of Power and defeated the wizard who killed his father. He is joined in his quest by the swordmaster Kor, his faithful creature Gulfax, and the Forest Wizard Hurla.
Simon, son of the wizard, must flee when the empire is overthrown by the evil Shurka. Schooled in the arts of magic, he must find the Ring of Magic and the Sword of Power and defeated the wizard who killed his father. He is joined in his quest by the swordmaster Kor, his faithful creature Gulfax, and the Forest Wizard Hurla.