Ein Leuchtturm zum Verlieben
Stefan ScainiSchauspieler:
Rachelle Lefevre, Luke Macfarlane, Valéria Cavalli, Serge Dupire, Duncan Talhouet, Caroline Marcos, Jerry Di Giacomo, Catherine Hubeau, Régis PéjusBasierend auf der Buchreihe von Serena B. Miller lebt Moriah (Lefevre) als holzverarbeitende Kunsthandwerkerin in einem französischen Küstenort und träumt davon, den örtlichen Leuchtturm zu restaurieren.
Moriah is a woodworking artisan living in a French, seaside town, who dreams of restoring the local lighthouse. When Ben, an American architect, comes to town, it seems as though her dreams will never become reality after she learns he’s there to give the lighthouse a makeover… but for another buyer.
Moriah is a woodworking artisan living in a French, seaside town, who dreams of restoring the local lighthouse. When Ben, an American architect, comes to town, it seems as though her dreams will never become reality after she learns he’s there to give the lighthouse a makeover… but for another buyer.