Ellie Parker - Schauspielerin
Scott CoffeySchauspieler:
Naomi Watts, Scott Coffey, Jennifer Syme, Mark Pellegrino, Greg Freitas, Gaye Pope, Blair Mastbaum, Rebecca Rigg, Chevy ChaseNaomi Watts verkörpert eine junge Hollywood-Schauspielerin und deren Kampf mit den Widrigkeiten und Strapazen ihres Beruf derart authentisch-hysterisch, dass man glauben mag, sie selbst hat all das in den Anfängen ihrer Karriere durchlebt. Eine rabenschwarze Komödie, die einen bitterbösen Blick hinter die Kulissen der glitzernden Hollywood-Welt wirft.
An aspiring actress from Australia, Ellie Parker (Naomi Watts), lives a hectic Hollywood lifestyle, perpetually trying to land the role that will elevate her career. Living with her lothario musician boyfriend, Justin (Mark Pelligrino), Ellie is far from happy, finding support primarily from her friend Sam (Rebecca Rigg). When Ellie meets Chris (Scott Coffey) after a minor traffic accident, she sees new potential for both romance and her life in general.
An aspiring actress from Australia, Ellie Parker (Naomi Watts), lives a hectic Hollywood lifestyle, perpetually trying to land the role that will elevate her career. Living with her lothario musician boyfriend, Justin (Mark Pelligrino), Ellie is far from happy, finding support primarily from her friend Sam (Rebecca Rigg). When Ellie meets Chris (Scott Coffey) after a minor traffic accident, she sees new potential for both romance and her life in general.