IMDB Rating
Voting: 4.2 /10 (6)
Trailer: YouTube

Evil Breed



Christian Viel


Bobbie Phillips, Howard Rosenstein, Ginger Lynn Allen, Chasey Lain, Taylor Hayes, Jenna Jameson, Richard Grieco, Brandon Milbradt, Lael Stellick, Phil Price, Neil Napier, Heidi Hawkins, Gillian Leigh, Simon Peacock
Unter Leitung ihrer freundlichen Dozentin reisen sechs amerikanische StudentInnen in die verregnete Provinz des herbstlichen Irlands, um dort den Spuren keltischer Druiden und des Kultes um das Samhain-Fest nachzuspüren. Vor Ort schlägt man irritierende Kunde über einen einst die Gegend terrorisierenden Kannibalen-Clan in den kalten Wind und zahlt prompt Lehrgeld, als dessen grimmige Nachfahren das promiskuitive Akademikerfähnlein kulinarisch zu verwerten trachten.

Two American tourists on a romantic camping trip are brutally murdered. A few days later, during the ancient festival of Samhain, a group of American university students moves into a beautiful cottage, surrounded by a lush forest and a majestic lake They are here to learn about the rituals of the ancient Druids and other Celtic legends. But in the remains of an abandoned copper mine, lives the ancestors of an incestuous clan of cannibals. Stalked by a hulking, disfigured mutant, the students and their chaperone are in for the most harrowing time of their young lives. And keeping their heads on their necks will become their main concern...
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    Mirror 1 | 30.08.2017 - Evil.Breed.German.2003.DVDRiP.XviD-FmE

    Summary & Details

    Unter Leitung ihrer freundlichen Dozentin reisen sechs amerikanische StudentInnen in die verregnete Provinz des herbstlichen Irlands, um dort den Spuren keltischer Druiden und des Kultes um das Samhain-Fest nachzuspüren. Vor Ort schlägt man irritierende Kunde über einen einst die Gegend terrorisierenden Kannibalen-Clan in den kalten Wind und zahlt prompt Lehrgeld, als dessen grimmige Nachfahren das promiskuitive Akademikerfähnlein kulinarisch zu verwerten trachten.

    Two American tourists on a romantic camping trip are brutally murdered. A few days later, during the ancient festival of Samhain, a group of American university students moves into a beautiful cottage, surrounded by a lush forest and a majestic lake They are here to learn about the rituals of the ancient Druids and other Celtic legends. But in the remains of an abandoned copper mine, lives the ancestors of an incestuous clan of cannibals. Stalked by a hulking, disfigured mutant, the students and their chaperone are in for the most harrowing time of their young lives. And keeping their heads on their necks will become their main concern...

    Also Known As:

    Evilbreed: The Legend of Samhain


    ~78 Min.

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