For No Eyes Only
Tali BardeSchauspieler:
Benedict Sieverding, Luisa Gross, Tali Barde, Evi AmonSam (Benedict Sieverding) ist ein Computer-Nerd und kann diesem Hobby gerade ausgiebig frönen, denn nach einem Hockey-Unfall ist er mit einem Gipsbein an sein Zimmer gefesselt und vertreibt sich die schier endlose Langeweile mit dem Surfen im Internet. Dabei stößt er auf ein Programm, mit dessen Hilfe man Webcams an fremden Computern hacken kann. Es dauert nicht lange bis er zum Voyeur wird und seine Klassenkameraden wie durch ein Fenster beobachtet, ohne dass sie es merken. Er späht auch den neuen Schüler Aaron (Tali Barde) aus. Dieser ist ein wenig geheimnisvoll und hat ganz offensichtlich Probleme mit seinen Eltern. Sam beobachtet, wie Aaron ein Messer in seinem Zimmer versteckt. Bald darauf sind dessen Eltern spurlos verschwunden. Misstrauisch beginnt der stille Beobachter, dem Fall nachzugehen. Unterstützt wird er von seiner Mitschülerin Livia (Luisa Gross), die derweil rausgefunden hat, was Sam so treibt.
Due to an accident during hockey practice teenage-nerd Sam Anders is chained to his desk chair with a broken leg, spending time with his next best friend: his computer. When boredom is almost fatal, a dubious program gets his attention and soon he finds himself spying on his classmates by hacking their web cams. Discovering the most intimate secrets about his victims starts as fun but turns into a serious situation, when he witnesses the new boy in class Aaron having severe problems with his father. The sudden disappearance of the man and Aarons ominous behavior leads him to the suspicion of murder. Sam and Livia, who accidentally finds out about the whole situation, start investigating on their own...soon finding themselves on the slippery edge of events getting out of hand...
Due to an accident during hockey practice teenage-nerd Sam Anders is chained to his desk chair with a broken leg, spending time with his next best friend: his computer. When boredom is almost fatal, a dubious program gets his attention and soon he finds himself spying on his classmates by hacking their web cams. Discovering the most intimate secrets about his victims starts as fun but turns into a serious situation, when he witnesses the new boy in class Aaron having severe problems with his father. The sudden disappearance of the man and Aarons ominous behavior leads him to the suspicion of murder. Sam and Livia, who accidentally finds out about the whole situation, start investigating on their own...soon finding themselves on the slippery edge of events getting out of hand...