Frank, Dean & Sammy tun es
Rob CohenSchauspieler:
Ray Liotta, Joe Mantegna, Don Cheadle, Angus Macfadyen, William Petersen, Zeljko Ivanek, Veronica Cartwright, Megan Dodds, Barbara Niven, Deborah Kara Unger, Dan O'Herlihy, Michelle Grace, John Diehl, David Andrews, Dey Young, Wayne Thomas YorkeGab es jemals eine größere Entertainmentgruppe?
Wahrscheinlich nicht.
Die großartige und tiefe Freundschaft des "Rat Pack" in der glamourösen Welt von Las Vegas ist allein für sich schon legendär. Doch neben dem Glanz und Schatten des US-Showbusiness waren für Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Peter Lawford und Joey Bishop vorallem die skandalträchtigen Beziehungen zum Kennedy Clan und dem organisierten Verbrechen bezeichnend und fragwürdig.
Dazu passten dann auch die diversen Ermittlungen des FBI gegen alle Mitglieder und auch Freunde des "Rat Pack", was dann auch zum Bruch zwischen Sinatra und dem neuen Präsidenten der USA führte...
After a brief flash-forward to Frank Sinatra as an old man, saying "I miss my guys," the movie's main narrative begins during high points in the solo careers of the Rat Pack: Dean Martin has become a big success despite the breakup of his partnership with Jerry Lewis; Sinatra's career is at its peak; Sammy Davis, Jr., is making a comeback after a near fatal car crash, and standup comic Joey Bishop is gaining exposure as an opening act for the other three. The Pack becomes complete when Sinatra reconciles with actor Peter Lawford, who has been ostracized since being seen out publicly with Sinatra's ex-wife, Ava Gardner.
After a brief flash-forward to Frank Sinatra as an old man, saying "I miss my guys," the movie's main narrative begins during high points in the solo careers of the Rat Pack: Dean Martin has become a big success despite the breakup of his partnership with Jerry Lewis; Sinatra's career is at its peak; Sammy Davis, Jr., is making a comeback after a near fatal car crash, and standup comic Joey Bishop is gaining exposure as an opening act for the other three. The Pack becomes complete when Sinatra reconciles with actor Peter Lawford, who has been ostracized since being seen out publicly with Sinatra's ex-wife, Ava Gardner.