Moritz LaubeSchauspieler:
Stephan Grossmann, Marian Meder, Bruno Cathomas, Thomas Morris, Aljoscha Stadelmann, Christian Ahlers, Lilly Anders, Eric Bouwer, Matthias Bundschuh, Angelina Geisler, Klaas Heufer-Umlauf, Eric Klotzsch, Andreas Leupold, Philipp Mauritz, Sascha QuadeDie Eurokrise hat bewiesen, dass der Raubtierkapitalismus einiger Weniger einer ganzen Gesellschaft schaden kann. Doch die Verantwortlichen sind fein raus. Das will der politikverdrossene Lehrer Niels Deboos sich nicht mehr bieten lassen und gründet kurzerhand seinen eigenen Staat in Brandenburg: Freiland. Hier gibt es eigene Pässe, politische Positionen - ja, sogar einen eigenen Radiosender. Doch als Staatsoberhaupt muss Deboos bald feststellen, dass er nicht mehr derselbe Mensch ist und dass seine Machtposition ihm langsam aber sicher über den Kopf wächst.
Niels Deboos is fed up to the back teeth. Eurobonds, bankruptcy, corruption and reinless capitalism. The whole misery goes against the grain for Niels. He decides, to turn his back on the Federal Republic of Germany. Admittedly, without leaving the country. Instead, he succeeds to bring his weird plan to life. Together with Christian Darre and a handful of allies he founds his own state. Right outside of Berlin. The self organized society does not stay undiscovered for very long. But not only from the outside, also from the inside it starts to ferment. The collapse is beyond remedy. And a surprising breakthrough.
Niels Deboos is fed up to the back teeth. Eurobonds, bankruptcy, corruption and reinless capitalism. The whole misery goes against the grain for Niels. He decides, to turn his back on the Federal Republic of Germany. Admittedly, without leaving the country. Instead, he succeeds to bring his weird plan to life. Together with Christian Darre and a handful of allies he founds his own state. Right outside of Berlin. The self organized society does not stay undiscovered for very long. But not only from the outside, also from the inside it starts to ferment. The collapse is beyond remedy. And a surprising breakthrough.