Fremde Haut
Angelina MaccaroneSchauspieler:
Jasmin Tabatabai, Anneke Kim Sarnau, Navíd Akhavan, Georg Friedrich, Jens MünchowWeil ihr im Heimatland für ihre homosexuelle Veranlagung die Todesstrafe droht, flüchtet die junge Fariba (Jasmin Tabatabai) vom Iran nach Deutschland, dessen Kultur sie bewundert und dessen Sprache die Dolmetscherin ein gutes Stück beherrscht. Dann aber begeht sie den Fehler, nur politische Gründe für ihre Flucht anzugeben, und das reicht nicht. Sie landet in Abschiebehaft und nimmt dort die Identität eines verstorbenen Zellennachbarn an. Nun ist sie ein fremder Mann in einem fremden Land – und frisch verliebt.
Um in Deutschland zu überleben, muss die Iranerin Fariba die Identität eines Mannes annehmen.
Survival is not enough. Fariba Tabrizi has made it. Under peril of death she has fled from Iran. In Germany she has no alternative way of avoiding the threat of deportation other than to assume the identity of a deceased co-detainee. So what happens after a few month in which she has tried to come to terms with a situation which is actually an insufferable one for her? How does Fariba live not only in this external state of exile but also in an inner state of exile? The term "in orbit" is officially used by the UN to refer to asylum-seekers who find themselves orbiting around planet Earth because they can actually find legal domicile nowhere at all.
Survival is not enough. Fariba Tabrizi has made it. Under peril of death she has fled from Iran. In Germany she has no alternative way of avoiding the threat of deportation other than to assume the identity of a deceased co-detainee. So what happens after a few month in which she has tried to come to terms with a situation which is actually an insufferable one for her? How does Fariba live not only in this external state of exile but also in an inner state of exile? The term "in orbit" is officially used by the UN to refer to asylum-seekers who find themselves orbiting around planet Earth because they can actually find legal domicile nowhere at all.