IMDB Rating
Voting: 5.7 /10 (293)
Trailer: YouTube

Freunde bis in den Tod - End of Innocence



James Rowe


Rodney Eastman, Jay R. Ferguson, Amy Irving, Tom Arnold, Peter Facinelli, Brent Jennings, Robert Lewis, Garvin Funches, Chris Isaak, Heather Stephens, Will Estes, Stephen Rippey, Dennis W. Zerull, Trent Hanson, Scott Subiono
Der Film erzählt die Geschichte von vier Freunden, die in der idyllischen Kleinstadt Jefferson Creek leben. Danny, Shane und Taz gehören alle dem Football-Team der Highschool an und träumen von einem Stipendium. Der vierte im Bunde ist der autistisch veranlagte Aaron. Er und seine Familie leiden unter den ständigen aggressiven Ausbrüchen des Vaters. Als seine Mutter misshandelt ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert werden muss, sieht Aaron rot. In Jefferson Creek scheint fortan nichts mehr, wie es einmal war...

In Jefferson Creek, North Carolina, the colors of autumn signal Friday night lights, and high-school quarterback Danny Shepherd is the main event. He and his friends, Shane and Taz, live for the present, where good-natured fun often turns into trouble. A simple-minded sketch artist named Aaron looks up to Danny and the others as his only friends. After his mother is hospitalized by her abusive husband, Aaron commits a desperate act he cannot fully grasp: the murder of his own father. The boys vow to protect Aaron by covering up the evidence, but one bad choice gives dark rise to another. As suspicion mounts and Danny struggles to hold on to a promising future, the four friends face the hardest test of their young lives--one that asks for the meaning of true loyalty.
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    Mirror 1 | 25.09.2017 -

    Summary & Details

    Der Film erzählt die Geschichte von vier Freunden, die in der idyllischen Kleinstadt Jefferson Creek leben. Danny, Shane und Taz gehören alle dem Football-Team der Highschool an und träumen von einem Stipendium. Der vierte im Bunde ist der autistisch veranlagte Aaron. Er und seine Familie leiden unter den ständigen aggressiven Ausbrüchen des Vaters. Als seine Mutter misshandelt ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert werden muss, sieht Aaron rot. In Jefferson Creek scheint fortan nichts mehr, wie es einmal war...

    In Jefferson Creek, North Carolina, the colors of autumn signal Friday night lights, and high-school quarterback Danny Shepherd is the main event. He and his friends, Shane and Taz, live for the present, where good-natured fun often turns into trouble. A simple-minded sketch artist named Aaron looks up to Danny and the others as his only friends. After his mother is hospitalized by her abusive husband, Aaron commits a desperate act he cannot fully grasp: the murder of his own father. The boys vow to protect Aaron by covering up the evidence, but one bad choice gives dark rise to another. As suspicion mounts and Danny struggles to hold on to a promising future, the four friends face the hardest test of their young lives--one that asks for the meaning of true loyalty.

    Also Known As:

    Blue Ridge Fall


    ~105 Min.

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    James Rowe


    IMDb-Seite, Filmstarts