Friedhof der Zombies
Rubén Galindo Jr.Schauspieler:
Hugo Stiglitz, Erika Buenfil, Edna Bolkan, María Rebeca, Usi Velasco, José Gómez Parcero, Bety Robles, Leo Villanueva, Raúl Meraz, René Cardona III, Servando Manzetti, Andrés García Jr., César Adrian Sanchez, Lili Zoto, Mineko Mori, César VelascoBevor Dr. Cardan den Leichnam von Devlon einäschern kann, wird er von Jugendlichen gestohlen. Sie veranstalten auf dem Friedhof eine schwarze Messe, um Devlon von den Toten zurückzuholen. Allerdings geht etwas schief und andere Verstorbene werden zu neuem Leben erweckt. Das Grauen nimmt seinen Anfang…
A professor suspects that a vicious killer may have discovered a way to return from the grave and continue his violent spree. His fears are proved true when a group of teenagers decide to pull a Halloween prank by stealing the killer's body from the morgue. When the teens recite an incantation from an old magic book over the corpse, it begins to come back to life, along with all of the bodies from the nearby cemetery.
A professor suspects that a vicious killer may have discovered a way to return from the grave and continue his violent spree. His fears are proved true when a group of teenagers decide to pull a Halloween prank by stealing the killer's body from the morgue. When the teens recite an incantation from an old magic book over the corpse, it begins to come back to life, along with all of the bodies from the nearby cemetery.