Fünf Patronenhülsen
Frank BeyerSchauspieler:
Armin Mueller-Stahl, Manfred Krug, Erwin Geschonneck, Ulrich Thein, Edwin Marian, Fritz Diez, Günter Naumann, Ernst-Georg Schwill, Johannes Maus, Ernst Busch, Jochen Diestelmann, Harald Jopt, Fritz Ernst Fechner, Dom de Beern, Hans FinohrSpanien 1936 während des Bürgerkriegs: Eine Handvoll Freiwilliger der Internationalen Brigaden soll den Rückzug ihres Bataillons decken. Doch die kleine Gruppe hat kaum Munition und wird bald vom Feind umzingelt, ihr Anführer schwer verwundet. Kurz bevor dieser stirbt, befiehlt er seinen Leuten, eine Zeichnung des Aufmarschplans der Faschisten am Ebro zum Stab durchzubringen. Die Einzelteile der Zeichnung verteilt er in fünf Patronenhülsen, von denen jeder der Freiwilligen eine an sich nimmt, um anschließend in der Hitze der Sierra ums Überleben zu ringen.
DEFA-Kriegsdrama, in dem eine Gruppe Freiwilliger der Internationalen Brigaden im spanischen Bürgerkrieg ein Himmelfahrtskommando ausführt.
The Spanish Civil War in the year 1936. Five brigadiers are singled out to stay behind in the Spanish Sierras and fend off the fascist enemy while the rest of the troops recede. They are supposed to rendezvous with a radio operator, but when they get to the meeting point there is nobody there. In search for the missing man, Kommissar Wittig is shot. Before his death he hands over a piece of paper with an important message which the remaining men have to transport across enemy lines. The paper is torn into five pieces and each piece is hidden in a cartridge. An odyssey across the mountain desert begins - with constant fear of enemy fire and dehydration.
The Spanish Civil War in the year 1936. Five brigadiers are singled out to stay behind in the Spanish Sierras and fend off the fascist enemy while the rest of the troops recede. They are supposed to rendezvous with a radio operator, but when they get to the meeting point there is nobody there. In search for the missing man, Kommissar Wittig is shot. Before his death he hands over a piece of paper with an important message which the remaining men have to transport across enemy lines. The paper is torn into five pieces and each piece is hidden in a cartridge. An odyssey across the mountain desert begins - with constant fear of enemy fire and dehydration.