Kerry ValderramaSchauspieler:
Shelley Calene-Black, Kerry Valderrama, James Barnes, Elizabeth Ingalls, Erik Collins, Jason Cox, Brent Boller, Angelica Brooke Allen, Evie A. Armstrong, Erin Bendele, Patrick Cardenas, Bettina Cardona, Rick Carrillo, Elijah Curtis, Christopher L DeanTagsüber trainiert Sgt. Daniel McManus die nächste Generation amerikanischer Soldaten. Nachts plagen den Kriegsheimkehrer Alpträume. Als der Kommandant seiner alten Einheit verschwindet, wird McManus beauftragt, den Freund zu finden. Es scheint, der Vermisste habe den Verstand verloren und plane etwas Furchtbares. McManus bleiben 48 Stunden, das Unheil abzuwenden. Dabei verstrickt er sich immer mehr in ein Netz aus Ehre, militärischen Brauchtum und fehlgeleiteten Idealen.
In the military, Garrison is the collective term for the body of troops stationed in a particular location, originally to guard it, but now often simply using it as a home base. A military mystery, Garrison revolves around an A.W.O.L soldier who is being searched for by his fellow troops. Garrison was inspired by the Fort Bragg killings of 2002.
In the military, Garrison is the collective term for the body of troops stationed in a particular location, originally to guard it, but now often simply using it as a home base. A military mystery, Garrison revolves around an A.W.O.L soldier who is being searched for by his fellow troops. Garrison was inspired by the Fort Bragg killings of 2002.