Gemeinsam wohnt man besser
François DesagnatSchauspieler:
André Dussollier, Bérengère Krief, Arnaud Ducret, Julia PiatonStatt einer Putzfrau klingelt in „Gemeinsam wohnt man besser“ die junge Studentin Manuela (Bérengère Krief) beim 70-jährigen Witwer Hubert Jacquin (André Dussolier) und zieht trotz anfänglicher Gegenwehr bei ihm ein. Die quirlige junge Frau und der ältere Mann finden schnell einen Draht zueinander. Es entwickelt sich sogar eine Art Vater-Tochter-Beziehung. Da in der Wohnung viel Platz ist und Hubert an einem Abend ein Glas Wein zu viel hatte, bringt Manuela ihn dazu, weitere Mitbewohner in die große Pariser Altbauwohnung einziehen zu lassen. Daraufhin bewohnen Krankenschwester Marion (Julia Piaton) und Anwalt Paul-Gérard (Arnaud Ducret) schon bald die übrigen leeren Zimmer.
Warmherzige Komödie über einen Pensionär, der gemeinsam mit einer exzentrischen Studentin eine WG gründet.
When recently widowed, it is difficult to get used to a new life ... This is the case for Hubert Jacquin, who spends most of his time in his huge apartment, depressed, in front of his TV. One day, after a misunderstanding, his life will change. Manuela, a young and bubbly adventurer in search of a dwelling calls his home! At first reluctant, Hubert will quickly get used to the presence of this energy storm, who even manages to convince him to allow two other people to stay. There are many surprises in store for Hubert ...
When recently widowed, it is difficult to get used to a new life ... This is the case for Hubert Jacquin, who spends most of his time in his huge apartment, depressed, in front of his TV. One day, after a misunderstanding, his life will change. Manuela, a young and bubbly adventurer in search of a dwelling calls his home! At first reluctant, Hubert will quickly get used to the presence of this energy storm, who even manages to convince him to allow two other people to stay. There are many surprises in store for Hubert ...