Rani MassalhaSchauspieler:
Saleh Bakri, Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre, Ahmad Bayatra, Mohammad BakriDer kleine Ziad lebt in Palästina und besucht liebend gern die Giraffen im Zoo. Als nach einem israelischen Luftangriff die männliche Giraffe stirbt, verweigert das Weibchen die Nahrung. Ihr Zustand verschlechtert sich zunehmends. Ziads Vater, der immer für den Zoo gekämpft hat, versucht nun einen Partner für das Giraffenweibchen zu finden. Das einzig in Frage kommende Männchen...
Yacine is the veterinarian of the only zoo remaining in the Palestinian West Bank. He lives alone with his 10-year old son, Ziad. The kid has a special bond with the two giraffes in the zoo. He seems to be the only one to communicate with them. After an air raid in the region the male giraffe dies. His mate, Rita, won’t survive unless the veterinarian finds her a new companion. The only zoo that might provide this animal is located in Tel Aviv ...
Yacine is the veterinarian of the only zoo remaining in the Palestinian West Bank. He lives alone with his 10-year old son, Ziad. The kid has a special bond with the two giraffes in the zoo. He seems to be the only one to communicate with them. After an air raid in the region the male giraffe dies. His mate, Rita, won’t survive unless the veterinarian finds her a new companion. The only zoo that might provide this animal is located in Tel Aviv ...