Good Food, Bad Food - Anleitung für eine bessere Landwirtschaft
Coline SerreauSchauspieler:
Pierre Rabhi, Dominique Guillet, Vandana Shiva, Ana Primavesi, Philippe Desbrosses, João Pedro Stedile, Serge Latouche, Devinder Sharma, Lydia Bourguignon, Claude Bourguignon, Antoniets Semen SviridonovitchEngagierte Bauern, Wirtschaftsphilosophen, Pioniere der ökologischen Landwirtschaft, Ernährungswissenschaftler, Agraringenieure, Umweltwissenschaftler, Kolchosenleiter und Repräsentanten der Landlosenbewegung MST in Brasilien sprechen über die globale Landwirtschaft. Heute geht es nicht mehr um Ernährung und das Wohl des Menschen, sondern um Gewinnmaximierung. Die Wiederherstellung der Saatenvielfalt und Verbesserung der Bodenqualität ist eine Überlebensfrage.
Good Food, Bad Food - Anleitung für eine bessere Landwirtschaft
Coline Serreau kehrt zu ihren dokumentarischen Wurzeln zurück und zeigt lokale Alternativen zum globalen Raubbau an Ressourcen.
Ukraine, South America, India, France - farmers, scientists, producers of organic food present their views as well as successes of their work with earth, which is presented in second plan as a woman. Earth as living ecosystem itself is compared to the soil sterilized and destroyed by pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, machine processing - where new crops grow only thanks to another doses of chemical stimulants. In vicious circle, food becomes dependent on and controlled by oil & industry, food barely edible, while seeds - which should not be owned and marketed as such - are reduced to a few state-allowed modified species and sold. The macho-hero approach of controlling, forcing and raping of the earth is becoming the subject of irony, criticism and appeal - in more layers - social, economic, agronomic.
Ukraine, South America, India, France - farmers, scientists, producers of organic food present their views as well as successes of their work with earth, which is presented in second plan as a woman. Earth as living ecosystem itself is compared to the soil sterilized and destroyed by pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, machine processing - where new crops grow only thanks to another doses of chemical stimulants. In vicious circle, food becomes dependent on and controlled by oil & industry, food barely edible, while seeds - which should not be owned and marketed as such - are reduced to a few state-allowed modified species and sold. The macho-hero approach of controlling, forcing and raping of the earth is becoming the subject of irony, criticism and appeal - in more layers - social, economic, agronomic.