Hände voller Blut
Peter SasdySchauspieler:
Eric Porter, Angharad Rees, Jane Merrow, Keith Bell, Derek Godfrey, Dora Bryan, Marjorie Rhodes, Barry LoweEinst hat die kleine Anna mitansehen müssen, wie ihre Mutter von ihrem Vater, der gleich auch noch Jack the Ripper war, ermordet wurde. Das Trauma verfolgt sie bis heute, so daß sie, sobald sich jemand ihr in scheinbar eindeutiger Weise nähert, ihre Gegenüber auf das Grausamste ermordet. Der Wissenschaftler Dr.Pritchard (Eric Porter) nimmt sich nach einer solchen Bluttat an Annas ehemaliger Arbeitgeberin, einer Seance-Betrügerin, des Mädchens an und versucht mit einer Art Tiefenpsychologie zu dem Mädchen und ihrem Problem vorzudringen. Weitere Morde kann er jedoch nicht verhindern...
A series of murders occur that mirror those committed by the Whitechapel Ripper. Through his experiments with psychoanalysis Dr Pritchard discovers a deadly violence in one of his young female patients. As he delves into the recesses of her mind he uncovers that Anna is possessed by her dead father's spirit, willing her to commit acts of gruesome savagery over which she has no control. But the most chilling revelation of all is the identity of her father: Jack the Ripper himself.
A series of murders occur that mirror those committed by the Whitechapel Ripper. Through his experiments with psychoanalysis Dr Pritchard discovers a deadly violence in one of his young female patients. As he delves into the recesses of her mind he uncovers that Anna is possessed by her dead father's spirit, willing her to commit acts of gruesome savagery over which she has no control. But the most chilling revelation of all is the identity of her father: Jack the Ripper himself.