Tae-geun AhnDer kleine Mangchi lebt auf einer winzigen Insel, die aus der Spitze eines versunkenen Wolkenkratzers besteht. Bei sich hat er nur einen Hammer, der ihn auf seinen Streifzügen über die Insel stets begleitet. Als sich eine waschechte Prinzessin auf der Flucht vor ihren Verfolgern auf die Insel verirrt, wird sich zeigen, ob Mangchi auch mit seiner verborgenen Gabe, dem alles vernichtenden Schrei, so gut umgehen kann wie mit seinem Hammer.
Spannendes Anime aus Südkorea um einen kleinen Jungen mit außergewöhnlichen Kräften.
Mangchi is a young boy with few problems and an easy disposition. Living on a building in the middle of the sea, he flies around on his little flying bike looking for adventures and longs for the day when he's finally an adult. So, when a princess named Poplar is being chased by two fighter planes, he rescues her. Little does he know that he will be pulled away from the city he has lived all his life, and dragged by Poplar into an adventure smack dab in between two countries at war and the evil plans of Moonk, usurper to Poplar's throne, who seeks world domination.
Mangchi is a young boy with few problems and an easy disposition. Living on a building in the middle of the sea, he flies around on his little flying bike looking for adventures and longs for the day when he's finally an adult. So, when a princess named Poplar is being chased by two fighter planes, he rescues her. Little does he know that he will be pulled away from the city he has lived all his life, and dragged by Poplar into an adventure smack dab in between two countries at war and the evil plans of Moonk, usurper to Poplar's throne, who seeks world domination.