Hans SteinbichlerSchauspieler:
Leonard Scheicher, Johannes Nussbaum, Hannelore Elsner, Heiner Lauterbach, Gabriela Maria Schmeide, Verena Altenberger, Lisa Vicari, Jeanette Hain, Anna Platen, Roland Schreglmann, Klaus SteinbacherDie beiden 19-Jährigen Moritz (Leonard Scheicher) und Hannes (Johannes Nussbaum) sind schon seit ihrer Geburt beste Freunde, auch wenn die beiden jungen Männer sehr unterschiedlich sind: Moritz ist verträumt und bringt sich immer wieder in Schwierigkeiten, während Hannes voller Lebenslust ist und genau weiß, wo er hin will. Doch dann ändert sich durch einen schicksalhaften Motorradunfall alles, denn Hannes wird schwer verletzt und fällt ins Koma. Obwohl unklar ist, ob er jemals wieder erwacht, glaubt Moritz fest an die Genesung seines besten Freundes. Er will fortan Hannes' Leben an dessen Stelle weiterleben, denn er sehnt sich nach Leben, Liebe und Freundschaft...
Verfilmung des gleichnamigen Romans von Rita Falk.
Born at the same place, on the same day, Hannes and Moritz grow up to be inseparable friends. But one day a tragic motorcycle accident will change their lives forever, leaving Hannes in a coma with a slim chance of recovery. Moritz refuses to give up on his friend and puts his own life aside to ensure Hannes is always loved and surrounded by life and laughter. Trying to stand his ground, Moritz will then embark on an inspiring and life-changing journey, realizing that every day is worth celebrating and proving their friendship is stronger than ever.
Born at the same place, on the same day, Hannes and Moritz grow up to be inseparable friends. But one day a tragic motorcycle accident will change their lives forever, leaving Hannes in a coma with a slim chance of recovery. Moritz refuses to give up on his friend and puts his own life aside to ensure Hannes is always loved and surrounded by life and laughter. Trying to stand his ground, Moritz will then embark on an inspiring and life-changing journey, realizing that every day is worth celebrating and proving their friendship is stronger than ever.