Happy Family
Holger TappeSchauspieler:
Emily Watson, Nick Frost, Jason Isaacs, Jessica Brown Findlay, Celia Imrie, Catherine Tate, Ethan Rouse, Ewan Bailey, Jessica McDonald, Isaac RouseAls hätten die Wünschmanns als gar nicht so perfekte Familie nicht schon genug Probleme an der Backe, kommt alles noch schlimmer, als die Hexe Baba Yaga den kompletten Klan verzaubert - Mutter Emma wird zur Vampirin, Vater Frank zu Frankenstein, Tochter Fee zur Mumie und Sohn Max zum Werwolf. Um den Fluch alsbald wieder loszuwerden, startet die Monster-Familie zur Jagd über den gesamten Globus, um die Hexe zu stellen. Dass sie dabei anderen Monstern begegnet, ist nur der Auftakt für viele verzwickte Situationen.
3D-Animationskomödie nach dem Roman des Bestsellerautors David Safier über die chaotische Familie Wünschmann, die von einer Hexe in Monster verwandelt wird.
The Wishbone family is far from happy. With a struggling bookshop, an overworked husband, and two misunderstood teenagers, Emma is at her wit's end trying to be the perfect mom. After dragging her family to a costume party on Halloween night, they are cursed by an evil witch and transformed into a Vampire, a Mummy, a Werewolf, and Frankenstein's monster. Now Emma will fight to keep her Monster Family together and uncover the secret of their curse... eventually leading them to the Prince of Darkness himself, Dracula!
The Wishbone family is far from happy. With a struggling bookshop, an overworked husband, and two misunderstood teenagers, Emma is at her wit's end trying to be the perfect mom. After dragging her family to a costume party on Halloween night, they are cursed by an evil witch and transformed into a Vampire, a Mummy, a Werewolf, and Frankenstein's monster. Now Emma will fight to keep her Monster Family together and uncover the secret of their curse... eventually leading them to the Prince of Darkness himself, Dracula!