Rumle HammerichSchauspieler:
Lars Mikkelsen, David Bateson, Charlotte Fich, Samuel Fröler, Andrea Vagn Jensen, Henning Moritzen, Charlotte Munck, Burkhard Forstreuter, Søren Spanning, Troels Lyby, Henrik Ipsen, Katrine Læssøe Agesen, August Igor Svideniouk Egholm, Preben Harris, Anders Valentinus Dam, Kjeld NørgaardEin Headhunter sucht einen Erben für einen dänischen Ölkonzern: Starbesetzter Thriller über die brutalen Machtmechanismen der globalisierten Wirtschaft. Der Ex-Journalist Martin Vinge erhält ein Angebot, das er nicht ablehnen kann: Der Chef des weltweit agierenden dänischen Ölkonzerns, Niels Frederik Sieger, beauftragt ihn, einen Nachfolger für die Unternehmensleitung zu finden. Das Headhunting soll im Geheimen erfolgen, denn eigentlich hat Siegers Sohn Daniel Ambitionen auf den Posten. Der alte Sieger jedoch will frisches Blut im Konzern. Nach und nach verstrickt sich Martin Vinge in einem Netz aus Intrigen und brutalen Machtspielen, in deren Verlauf auch seine eigene Familie in Gefahr gerät.
Martin Vinge, former notorious journalist, now successful headhunter with a complicated personal life, is in all confidentiality contacted by 85 year-old N.F. Sieger, S.E.O. of Denmark's largest shipping company and oil empire. Sieger hires Martin to find an alternative heir to the firm instead of his son, Daniel Sieger, who for a long time has been destined to take the company into the next era. Martin starts coming up with suitable names for the position, but discovers that he has actually been entangled in a larger impenetrable power game aimed at deciding what is really going to happen to the company; a brutal power struggle that puts an intense pressure on Martin and his private life and relationships.
Martin Vinge, former notorious journalist, now successful headhunter with a complicated personal life, is in all confidentiality contacted by 85 year-old N.F. Sieger, S.E.O. of Denmark's largest shipping company and oil empire. Sieger hires Martin to find an alternative heir to the firm instead of his son, Daniel Sieger, who for a long time has been destined to take the company into the next era. Martin starts coming up with suitable names for the position, but discovers that he has actually been entangled in a larger impenetrable power game aimed at deciding what is really going to happen to the company; a brutal power struggle that puts an intense pressure on Martin and his private life and relationships.