Herr der drei Welten
Jack SherSchauspieler:
Kerwin Mathews, June Thorburn, Jo Morrow, Lee Patterson, Grégoire Aslan, Basil Sydney, Charles Lloyd Pack, Martin Benson, Mary Ellis, Marian Spencer, Peter Bull, Alec MangoAufgrund seiner niemals sicheren finanziellen Verhältnisse verläßt Lemuel Gulliver (Kerwin Mathews) nach einem Streit seine Verlobte Elisabeth, um sein Glück auf einem Schiff zu finden. Sie folgt ihm, doch in einem Sturm wird Gulliver über Bord gespült und findet sich bald an den Strand der Insel Liliput gespült, wo lauter winzige Menschen leben. Nach anfänglichen Schwierigkeiten überzeugt Gulliver die Lilliputaner, daß er harmlos ist, doch ein politischer Disput läßt ihn zur Geheimwaffe in einer lächerlichen Auseinandersetzung mit dem Nachbarland werden. Er reist weiter nach Brobdignag, doch dort leben arrogante Riesen. Allerdings selbst Riesen für Gulliver, dert dort bald als Spielzeug mißbraucht wird. Und Elizabeth wieder trifft.
Doctor Gulliver is poor, so nothing - not even his charming fiancée Elisabeth - keeps him in the town he lives. He signs on to a ship to India, but in a storm he's washed off the ship and ends up on an island, which is inhibitated by very tiny people. After he managed to convince them he's harmless and is accepted as one of their citizens, their king wants to use him in war against a people of giants. Compared to them, even Gulliver is a gnome.
Doctor Gulliver is poor, so nothing - not even his charming fiancée Elisabeth - keeps him in the town he lives. He signs on to a ship to India, but in a storm he's washed off the ship and ends up on an island, which is inhibitated by very tiny people. After he managed to convince them he's harmless and is accepted as one of their citizens, their king wants to use him in war against a people of giants. Compared to them, even Gulliver is a gnome.