Horrors of War
John Whitney, Peter John RossSchauspieler:
Jon Osbeck, Joe Lorenzo, Daniel Alan Kiely, C. Alec Rossel, David Carroll, Chip Kocel, Kim Carey, Sean Velie, Jason Morris, Louie Cowan, Milan A. Cargould, Brandy Seymour, Megan Pillar, Micah Jenkins, Joseph ShawIm Herbst 1944 geht in den Ardennen ein amerikanisches Aufklärungskommando an Fallschirmen hinter deutschen Linien nieder, um einer angeblichen Nazi-Geheimwaffe hinterher zu spüren, die den Alliierten schon seit der Invasion in der Normandie schwer zu schaffen macht. Immer öfter stößt man nämlich auf schier unbesiegbare Gruselgestalten, denen mit herkömmlicher Feuerkraft kaum beizukommen ist. Colonel Schmidt und seine Boys lüften das Geheimnis der Zombies und Werwölfe in feldgrau.
Rund dreißig Jahre, nachdem "Bloodsucking Freaks"-Schöpfer Joel Reed in Wolfratshausen und Umgebung seinen "Night of the Wehrmacht Zombies" realisierte, ist Hollywood bei seiner aktuellen Lieblingsbeschäftigung, dem Mischen von mal mehr, mal weniger kompatiblen Konzepten, auch schon auf die Kombination von "Band of Brothers" mit "Resident Evil" gekommen. Pathos und betonter Schlachtenrealismus korrespondieren nicht immer mit Gummimaske und Splatterquatsch, doch kommt der Freund des Horrortrash durchaus auf seine Kosten.
HORRORS OF WAR derives from the "B" movie, Grindhouse tradition, made to play like a like a midnight movie. It is an independently-produced film made in a B-movie style, yet with a dramatic grounding and an eye toward bigger production values.......FILM SYNOPSIS: 'Feeling the pressure from Allied advance, Hitler unleashes his secret weapons giving rise to a type of warfare the world has never seen. Throughout the European theater of WWII, Lieutenant John Schmidt comes face to face with these "weapons." The Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S., precursor to the C.I.A.) initiates missions behind enemy lines to find the source of the weapons terrorizing U.S. soldiers fighting the Third Reich. Schmidt is joined by Captain Joe Russo and his group of war-hardened GIs who have experienced for themselves the all-too-real horrors of war in battle. Together, they must find and destroy Hitler's horde of nightmare weapons before his horrific vision can be fully realized
HORRORS OF WAR derives from the "B" movie, Grindhouse tradition, made to play like a like a midnight movie. It is an independently-produced film made in a B-movie style, yet with a dramatic grounding and an eye toward bigger production values.......FILM SYNOPSIS: 'Feeling the pressure from Allied advance, Hitler unleashes his secret weapons giving rise to a type of warfare the world has never seen. Throughout the European theater of WWII, Lieutenant John Schmidt comes face to face with these "weapons." The Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S., precursor to the C.I.A.) initiates missions behind enemy lines to find the source of the weapons terrorizing U.S. soldiers fighting the Third Reich. Schmidt is joined by Captain Joe Russo and his group of war-hardened GIs who have experienced for themselves the all-too-real horrors of war in battle. Together, they must find and destroy Hitler's horde of nightmare weapons before his horrific vision can be fully realized