Im Himmel ist doch Jahrmarkt
Rolf LosanskySchauspieler:
Angelika Waller, Regina Beyer, Christel Bodenstein, Heidrun Polack, Gesine Rosenberg, Ingolf Gorges, Siegfried Höchst, Günter Junghans, Klaus Bamberg, Berko Acker, Peter Pollatschek, Gert Hänsch, Agnes Kraus, Ingeborg Naß, Gerd E. Schäfer, Eberhard CohrsAmor spielt eine gewichtige Rolle in dieser Geschichte um fünf junge, hübsche Sportlerinnen, die vom Himmel fallen - sozusagen direkt in die Arme netter junger Männer. Dem Trainer der Fallschirmspringerinnen ist das gar nicht recht, da ein bevorstehender internationaler Leistungsvergleich die ganze Kraft seiner Schützlinge fordert. Er verlangt Enthaltsamkeit in der Liebe. Dennoch gelingt es den Männern nach allerlei Abenteuern, die Mädchen zu erobern. Am Ende ist auch der Trainer zufrieden, denn seine Mädchen erreichen im Sport ihr Ziel
Five young, pretty female athletes are training for an international skydiving contest. From heaven they basically fall straight into the arms of five charming young men. Their coach is less than thrilled about the flirtation and urges his athletes to concentrate on the contest. He is convinced that love-making will put the victory to risk and asks them for sexual abstinence. The power of love turns out to be stronger, however, and soon the first love couples find each other.
Five young, pretty female athletes are training for an international skydiving contest. From heaven they basically fall straight into the arms of five charming young men. Their coach is less than thrilled about the flirtation and urges his athletes to concentrate on the contest. He is convinced that love-making will put the victory to risk and asks them for sexual abstinence. The power of love turns out to be stronger, however, and soon the first love couples find each other.