Im Norden strahlt der Weihnachtsstern
Jonathan WrightSchauspieler:
Ashley Williams, Corey Sevier, Genelle Williams, Laura Miyata, Jefferson Brown, Art Hindle, Bill Lake, Alix Sideris, Ron Lea, Precious Chong, Christopher Seivright, Andrea SeniorZoey Hathaway arbeitet seit Jahren auf ihr lebenslanges Ziel hin, Pilotin zu werden. Aber alles wird aus dem Ruder getrieben, als sie unerwartet eine Rentierfarm erbt, zusammen mit dem extrem gutaussehenden Rancher Alec Wynn. Völlig überfordert mit der Pflege der Rentiere und all den Weihnachtsverpflichtungen, denkt Zoey, dass das Leben ihr nun einen seltsamen und schweren Schlag geliefert hat. Auch ist sie sich nicht sicher mit Alec, der seine eigenen Vorstellungen hat, wie man die Dinge am besten leitet. Doch Alec, der noch nie viele Menschen dazu gebracht hat an ihn zu glauben, öffnet sich als Zoey Vertrauen in ihn setzt. Könnten sie beide das Glück unter den unwahrscheinlichsten Umständen kurz vor Weihnachten finden?
Zoey Hathaway has been working towards her lifelong goal of being a pilot for years, but everything is thrown off-course when she unexpectedly inherits a reindeer farm, along with the dangerously handsome ranch hand Alec Wynn. Now buried in taking care of reindeer and all the Christmas responsibilities, Zoey thinks life has delivered her a strange and cumbersome blow, and she isn’t sure about Alec, who has his own ideas how best to run things. Alec, who has never had many people have faith in him, opens up when Zoey invests trust in him, and the two find themselves falling for each other. Could they both find happiness in the most unlikely of circumstances right before Christmas?
Zoey Hathaway has been working towards her lifelong goal of being a pilot for years, but everything is thrown off-course when she unexpectedly inherits a reindeer farm, along with the dangerously handsome ranch hand Alec Wynn. Now buried in taking care of reindeer and all the Christmas responsibilities, Zoey thinks life has delivered her a strange and cumbersome blow, and she isn’t sure about Alec, who has his own ideas how best to run things. Alec, who has never had many people have faith in him, opens up when Zoey invests trust in him, and the two find themselves falling for each other. Could they both find happiness in the most unlikely of circumstances right before Christmas?