In meiner Wut wieg' ich vier Zentner
Antonio MargheritiSchauspieler:
Lee Van Cleef, Lo Lieh, Patty Shepard, Femi Benussi, Karen Yeh, Erika Blanc, Julián Ugarte, Barta Barri, George Rigaud, Chan Shen, Ching Miao, Chen Ping, Chiang YangDer voluminöse Chinese Wang, zwecks Mehrung der Reichtümer des allgewaltigen Warlord von diesem in den Wilden Westen geschickt, stirbt an einer Überdosis Dynamit. Der Kung-Fu-kundige Neffe Ho erhält den Auftrag, die Schätze herbeizuschaffen, und verbündet sich mit dem Revolverhelden und Bankräuber Dakota. Die ungleichen Partner finden schnell heraus, daß vier Tätowierungen in delikater Positionierung den Weg zum Reichtum weisen. Nachdem Dakota und Ho ihren Konkurrenten, einen Prediger, und den Warlord getäuscht haben, widmen sie sich mit dem neuen Reichtum einem angenehmen Leben im Reich der Mitte.
During a hold-up in the Wild West, Dakota kills a rich old Chinese man, Wang. Later, he is captured, sentenced, and is about to be hanged - and he never profitted from Wang's death, has he buried him with the photographs of his four widows, and a few worthless papers. Meanwhile, Ho comes to America in search of his uncle's fortune, and must get Dakota free, as he his the only man who can lead him to Wang's tomb. They open the tomb, retaking the pictures of Wang's widows. It happens he reads the papers and knows that Wang had one quarter of a map tattooed in each of his women's buttocks. Now, the difficult part will really start... Treasure hunt.
During a hold-up in the Wild West, Dakota kills a rich old Chinese man, Wang. Later, he is captured, sentenced, and is about to be hanged - and he never profitted from Wang's death, has he buried him with the photographs of his four widows, and a few worthless papers. Meanwhile, Ho comes to America in search of his uncle's fortune, and must get Dakota free, as he his the only man who can lead him to Wang's tomb. They open the tomb, retaking the pictures of Wang's widows. It happens he reads the papers and knows that Wang had one quarter of a map tattooed in each of his women's buttocks. Now, the difficult part will really start... Treasure hunt.