Inside Men - Die Rache der Gerechtigkeit
Woo Min-HoSchauspieler:
Lee Byung-hun, Cho Seung-woo, Baek Yun-Shik, Lee Kyoung-young, Kim Hong-pa, Bae Seong-woo, Kim Dae-myung, Jo Woo-jin, Lee El, Jeong Man-sik, Hwang Byeong-gukDer vielversprechendste Kandidat für das südkoreanische Präsidentenamt heißt Jang Pil-wo. Doch um Jang ranken sich Korruptionsgerüchte, es heißt, er werde nicht ohne Hintergedanken von Teilen der Automobilindustrie bestochen. Während Jang versucht, mächtige Medienschaffende auf seine Seite zu ziehen, würde Woo Jang-hoo, ein ehrgeiziger junger Ermittler, ihn gerne überführen und stöbert geschickt im Trüben. Die entscheidende Figur im Schachspiel ist Aan Sang-goo, ein ehemaliger Killer, der reinen Tisch machen will.
In Südkorea greift ein korrupter Millionario nach der Macht. Nur ein Gangster kann ihn noch stoppen. Elegant inszenierter Hochglanz-Thriller aus Fernost, glänzend gespielt und ein Kino-Blockbuster in seiner Heimat.
LEE Kang-hee, an editorialist of the influential conservative newspaper puts a congressman, JANG Pil-woo to the position of a leading candidate for President using the power of the press. Behind this, there was his secret deal with the paper’s biggest sponsor. AHN Sang-goo, a political henchman who supported LEE and JANG gets his hand cut as the price when he gets caught pocketing the record on the sponsor’s slush fund. WOO Jang-hoon, an ambitious prosecutor starts to investigate the relationship with JANG and the sponsor believing it is the only chance he can make it to the top. While getting down to the grass roots on the case, WOO meets AHN who has been deliberately planning his revenge. Now the war among the one blind for power, the one hell bent for vengeance, and the one eager for success starts.
LEE Kang-hee, an editorialist of the influential conservative newspaper puts a congressman, JANG Pil-woo to the position of a leading candidate for President using the power of the press. Behind this, there was his secret deal with the paper’s biggest sponsor. AHN Sang-goo, a political henchman who supported LEE and JANG gets his hand cut as the price when he gets caught pocketing the record on the sponsor’s slush fund. WOO Jang-hoon, an ambitious prosecutor starts to investigate the relationship with JANG and the sponsor believing it is the only chance he can make it to the top. While getting down to the grass roots on the case, WOO meets AHN who has been deliberately planning his revenge. Now the war among the one blind for power, the one hell bent for vengeance, and the one eager for success starts.