Instinct - Gefährliche Begierde
Halina ReijnSchauspieler:
Carice van Houten, Marwan Kenzari, Marie-Mae van Zuilen, Pieter Embrechts, Betty Schuurman, Ariane Schluter, Tamar van den Dop, Robert de Hoog, Maria Kraakman, Juda Goslinga, Felix Burleson, Kuno Bakker, Erik van Welzen, Matijs Jansen, Michael Bot, Abdelkarim El BazNicoline ist als Psychologin mit allen Wassern gewaschen. Nichts kann sie aus der Ruhe bringen. Bis sie in ihrem neuen Job auf den Straftäter Idris trifft, der wegen eines Sexualdelikts in Haft einsitzt. Nach fünf Jahren Therapie soll er erstmals unbewachten Ausgang haben. Obwohl sich Nicoline von Idris‘ animalischer Energie angezogen fühlt, hält sie ihn weiterhin für eine Gefahr für seine Umwelt. Idris versucht, die Psychologin zu überzeugen, dass ihre Einschätzung falsch ist. Und beginnt ein Machtspiel, das langsam, aber sicher zu eskalieren droht.
Thriller mit Hollands Stars Carice van Houten und Marwan Kenzari.
Nicoline, an experienced psychologist, starts a new job at a penal institution. She meets Idris, a sex offender who committed a series of grave crimes. After five years of treatment, he is about to go on his first unaccompanied probation. His team of practitioners are enthusiastic about his development but newcomer Nicoline does not trust him and tries to push his probation. Idris tries his hardest to convince Nicoline of his good intentions, but slowly but surely, he transforms into the manipulative man she saw in him from the beginning. A power play emerges between the two and Nicoline, in spite of her knowledge and experience, lets herself be trapped completely.
Nicoline, an experienced psychologist, starts a new job at a penal institution. She meets Idris, a sex offender who committed a series of grave crimes. After five years of treatment, he is about to go on his first unaccompanied probation. His team of practitioners are enthusiastic about his development but newcomer Nicoline does not trust him and tries to push his probation. Idris tries his hardest to convince Nicoline of his good intentions, but slowly but surely, he transforms into the manipulative man she saw in him from the beginning. A power play emerges between the two and Nicoline, in spite of her knowledge and experience, lets herself be trapped completely.