Isabel auf der Treppe
Hannelore UnterbergSchauspieler:
Irina Gallardo, Mario Krüger, Teresa Polle, Jenny Gröllmann, Jaecki Schwarz, Barbara Dittus, Horst Hiemer, Ruth Kommerell, Eva Schäfer, Ilse Bastubbe, Rolf Staude, Ilse VoigtDie Chilenin Rosita Pérez ist mit ihrer Tochter Isabel nach dem Pinochet-Putsch aus Chile in die DDR geflohen. Zu Beginn der Handlung leben sie bereits seit sechs Jahren in Ostberlin, wo die Familie Kunze eine Patenschaft für sie übernommen hat. Doch im Laufe der Zeit hat der Kontakt zu den Kunzes, die mit ihren eigenen alltäglichen Sorgen beschäftigt sind und meinen, dass sich die Emigranten inzwischen eingelebt hätten, an Intensität verloren.
In der Nachbarschaft bestehen bald Vorurteile gegenüber den Exilanten, die auch Frau Kunze teilt. Der zwölfjährige Sohn Philipp Kunze spürt, wie belastend die Situation vor allem für Isabel sein muss. Isabel glaubt, dass ihr in Chile verhafteter Vater tot ist, und dass ihre Mutter die Todesnachricht nicht verkraften wird.
Twelve-year-old Isabel and her mother, who was a famous political singer, had to escape Chile after the 1973 military coup. Isabel’s father stayed behind fighting in the underground. For six years, they have lived in a new apartment building in East Berlin. At first, the neighbors made an effort to welcome them, but later became more distant. Isabel does not feel at home in the strange country. Not even her friendship to Philip, the neighbors’ son, can change her mind. Almost every day, Isabel sits on the stairs waiting for a letter from her father, from whom she has not heard for many years.
Twelve-year-old Isabel and her mother, who was a famous political singer, had to escape Chile after the 1973 military coup. Isabel’s father stayed behind fighting in the underground. For six years, they have lived in a new apartment building in East Berlin. At first, the neighbors made an effort to welcome them, but later became more distant. Isabel does not feel at home in the strange country. Not even her friendship to Philip, the neighbors’ son, can change her mind. Almost every day, Isabel sits on the stairs waiting for a letter from her father, from whom she has not heard for many years.