Isenhart – Die Jagd nach dem Seelenfänger
Hansjörg ThurnSchauspieler:
Bert Tischendorf, Michael Steinocher, Emilia Schüle, Sebastian Ströbel, Klaus J. Behrendt, Attila Árpa, Xenia Assenza, Patrick Mölleken, Jeanette Biedermann, Martin FeifelEr war der erste Profiler des Mittelalters: Isenhart, der in jungen Jahren seine große Liebe durch einen grausamen Mord verlor, schwört sich, den Täter zu finden. Er jagt ihn durch mehrere Kontinente. Mit den Mitteln der damaligen zeit gelingt es ihm, den Mörder immer weiter einzukreisen, bis ihm klar wird: Er ist einem Serienkiller auf der Spur, der Jungrauen das Herz und die Augen raubt...
In the middle of century XII much of the European territory is ruled by the Holy Roman Empire and violence and cruelty are the order of the day. Several German regions are terrorized by a dangerous murderer who is dedicated to kill young girls. Therefore, Isanhart and Laurin, his faithful companion in arms, will travel from end to end of the old continent to hunt the ruthless criminal.
In the middle of century XII much of the European territory is ruled by the Holy Roman Empire and violence and cruelty are the order of the day. Several German regions are terrorized by a dangerous murderer who is dedicated to kill young girls. Therefore, Isanhart and Laurin, his faithful companion in arms, will travel from end to end of the old continent to hunt the ruthless criminal.